View Profile AZ-Solii
Hello! I am a new composer who wishes to bring his works to a wider audience. I'll appreciate any critiques you can give me, as I need all of the opinions I can get.

Age 35, Male


My school

Solar System, New Mexico

Joined on 3/2/07

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Wow, last journal I wrote was much too long ago! Unacceptable I say! I need my journal to be update now though, so here it is.

Ah, so many wonderful things are happening lately...where should I begin?

Yes, the really good news first: I am going to be attending Columbus State University for I have been accepted to the Schwob School of Music! I got the letter two weeks ago, and I have been heavy in anticipation for what is to come. It's exciting but a bit scary at the same time, but I'm sure it will be an altogether positive experience.

What else has been going on? Well, I got myself into a new MMORPG, in case you couldn't tell from my current "playing". Yeah, I've been at it for two weeks, and I am loving it! It is a very fun game. Sure, I know some of you don't like MMORPGs that much, but for me, there is some sort of satisfaction to be gained when your avatar knocks back an enemy by using a sort of blade-beam technique, causing him to topple off the 30 story building to his death.

In fact, the game has inspired me to make a short story based on the character I play. I expect to work on it a little more in the coming weeks. That way, you six people who watch me can get a feel for how I write in a story-telling fashion versus a descriptive or essay fashion. Also, it'll add some color to my incredibly dull and cobweb infested gallery.

This also brings to my next point: no, I have not stopped making music. I'm still in a bit of a slump, but this storm cloud of anti-inspiration is beginning to wane and should bring about the sunny sunshine of melodies and pretty sounds. If you haven't already, you can take a look into what I've been working on little by little. Although it's changed since I submitted it, it'll give you all a feel for what I'm working on.

Click me!

Also, expect a few piano pieces shortly as well. Meanwhile, the senior class of my chorus (which includes me) is going to be singing a composition made by yours truly! By unanimous decision, they decided they wanted to sing the song I wrote for them (Which definitely made me feel better about myself). No, I don't plan to submit it as a work just yet. If at all possible, I will try to get a video of it up on Youtube after the performance has happened. That way, you'll be able to hear it with real people versus the unintelligible MIDI "Ahs" of Finale.

On another happy note, I have finally gotten a job at a family entertainment center which lies only a few miles away from home. I'd say it's going to be a fantastic improvement over the job I had at the Italian Restaurant (bad memories...).

School has been going well, although I have been diagnosed with acute Senioritis. It's not terrible, but it's enough to make me feel apathetic about some aspects of my classes (like, for example, my Faces Identification Exam for government in which I have to identify 97 old men and women who look...exactly the same based on their face). I still have to finish studying for it...

Anyways, more to come hopefully from me in the later weeks. I know I don't comment much anymore, but I need to reform that habit of commenting on anything that hits my messages. I certainly like it when people comment on my stuff...it makes me feel guilty when I don't do it in turn... :/

So...yeah. That's about it from me. I mean, I'm not the most exciting person in the world.

Ah, I almost forgot. Æterna is still in the works, even though it may not look like it. I plan to do the City of Heroes story first as a warming up to my writing and my displaying of it to people. So...that's it. I can't really think of much else to say.

But now, I need to study for that infernal Faces examination.

...k bai.